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You're almost ready to launch your website whoooopppeeee! Now you can be up there with how many millions of others? How will they find you? Debs WEBS can help you rank with the major search engines like google and yahoo and MSN. Deb will set up your simple metal tags as well as program your site and work it to increase rank, exposure and clicks that result in increased results and interest in your company.

The first meta tag is your company description. The company description is a brief description of your company or organization. The second type of meta tags are keyword meta tags. These meta tags are key words that a user might find your company under.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE: Debs Webs is a full service website development, hosting, maintenance and web marketing company.

KEYWORD SAMPLE: Website Developer, Website Designer, Website Builder, Website Hosting, Website Maintenance, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimizer.

Deb will also include a suggestion of your site to Google, Yahoo and MSN. This is one of many ways to get a higher ranking on search engines. There are many ways to the top. One is defined as an organic search engine optimization and that is where you fill your website with useful pertinent information for your prospect.


The more substantial the information the increased is to your market the higher set up your meta tags as mentioned above and suggest your site to the search engines.

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